2年前に購入した漫画です。最近読んでいないので、出品いたします。背(写真1枚目)や、上側(写真2枚目)には若干色褪せが見られます。一度読んだきりですので、表紙や中身は目立った汚れや破れもなく、新品同様綺麗な状態です。I bought these items two years ago. Theres been a slight color change on the headband, as shown in the first picture, and on the top edge, as seen in the second picture. Otherwise, everything else has been maintained as well as it was when I first got them.
2年前に購入した漫画です。最近読んでいないので、出品いたします。背(写真1枚目)や、上側(写真2枚目)には若干色褪せが見られます。一度読んだきりですので、表紙や中身は目立った汚れや破れもなく、新品同様綺麗な状態です。I bought these items two years ago. Theres been a slight color change on the headband, as shown in the first picture, and on the top edge, as seen in the second picture. Otherwise, everything else has been maintained as well as it was when I first got them.
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