裁断済みです。書き込みありません。状態良好で読む上で問題ありません。出品時点でAmazon.co.jpで新品価格11,175円です。#脳波 #EEG #信号処理Mike X CohenAnalyzing Neural Time Series Data: Theory and Practice (Issues in Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology)A comprehensive guide to the conceptual, mathematical, and implementational aspects of analyzing electrical brain signals, including data from MEG, EEG, and LFP recordings.This book offers a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of analyzing electrical brain signals. It explains the conceptual, mathematical, and implementational (via Matlab programming) aspects of time-, time-frequency- and synchronization-based analyses of magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), and local field potential (LFP) recordings from humans and nonhuman animals.
裁断済みです。書き込みありません。状態良好で読む上で問題ありません。出品時点でAmazon.co.jpで新品価格11,175円です。#脳波 #EEG #信号処理Mike X CohenAnalyzing Neural Time Series Data: Theory and Practice (Issues in Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology)A comprehensive guide to the conceptual, mathematical, and implementational aspects of analyzing electrical brain signals, including data from MEG, EEG, and LFP recordings.This book offers a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of analyzing electrical brain signals. It explains the conceptual, mathematical, and implementational (via Matlab programming) aspects of time-, time-frequency- and synchronization-based analyses of magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), and local field potential (LFP) recordings from humans and nonhuman animals.
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