Scotty Smithによって個人製作された、Proanalog Dirt Royale with Cheese V.2 かなりレアかと思います。40台限定との事でしたが、送られて来たのが41番、しかもジョン ランドグラフ用とも読み取れる記述があります。ランドグラフと親交があり、発売された当時頃にランドグラフは亡くなっているので何か関係があるのか謎です。動作は良好です。当時の説明書:「Hi all, Scotty here from ProAnalog Pedals and up for auction is my new version 2 of the Dirt Royale w/cheeze, serial #1, born on 9-10-2014 on a limited run of 40 to be made, then will be discontinued.this is an overdrive meets distortion meets FUZZ all in one, but now even better. I originally designed this drive for 15 watt to 30 watt tube amps meant to be on all the time and add in CHEEZE via the 2nd footswitch (distortion) and to clean up like a great fuzz using your guitars volume control.FEED: controls the amount of fuzztone in and adds sustain, spit and bodyGAIN: control the amount gain that the opamp puts out.Pull Phaze (push pull knob): down its the standard Dirt Royale, pulled up it goes into Big Muff territory, thicker with big bodyTONE: is a high frequ…
Scotty Smithによって個人製作された、Proanalog Dirt Royale with Cheese V.2 かなりレアかと思います。40台限定との事でしたが、送られて来たのが41番、しかもジョン ランドグラフ用とも読み取れる記述があります。ランドグラフと親交があり、発売された当時頃にランドグラフは亡くなっているので何か関係があるのか謎です。動作は良好です。当時の説明書:「Hi all, Scotty here from ProAnalog Pedals and up for auction is my new version 2 of the Dirt Royale w/cheeze, serial #1, born on 9-10-2014 on a limited run of 40 to be made, then will be discontinued.this is an overdrive meets distortion meets FUZZ all in one, but now even better. I originally designed this drive for 15 watt to 30 watt tube amps meant to be on all the time and add in CHEEZE via the 2nd footswitch (distortion) and to clean up like a great fuzz using your guitars volume control.FEED: controls the amount of fuzztone in and adds sustain, spit and bodyGAIN: control the amount gain that the opamp puts out.Pull Phaze (push pull knob): down its the standard Dirt Royale, pulled up it goes into Big Muff territory, thicker with big bodyTONE: is a high frequ…
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