日本では入手困難なカンナビスの辞典です。3冊ハードカバーの完全版です。ミニ冊子SPLIFF vol.3のおまけ付き。At last, the choicest herb from renowned pot connoisseur Jason Kings popular CANNABIBLE books is now rolled together in one potently psychotropic package. Asian Fantasy, Diesel, Haze, HP13, Mothership, Purple Urkel—all the legendary strains are here (plus hundreds more), illustrated with stunning photos of dank nugs, lush crop, and mind-blowing microscopic plant details. Packed with enlightened commentary on growing, smoking, and enjoying the Kind, as well as detailed notes on flavors, aromas, and effects, THE CANNABIBLE COLLECTION is the perfect bongside companion.大麻マリファナヘンプ
日本では入手困難なカンナビスの辞典です。3冊ハードカバーの完全版です。ミニ冊子SPLIFF vol.3のおまけ付き。At last, the choicest herb from renowned pot connoisseur Jason Kings popular CANNABIBLE books is now rolled together in one potently psychotropic package. Asian Fantasy, Diesel, Haze, HP13, Mothership, Purple Urkel—all the legendary strains are here (plus hundreds more), illustrated with stunning photos of dank nugs, lush crop, and mind-blowing microscopic plant details. Packed with enlightened commentary on growing, smoking, and enjoying the Kind, as well as detailed notes on flavors, aromas, and effects, THE CANNABIBLE COLLECTION is the perfect bongside companion.大麻マリファナヘンプ
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